Predictions for 9/5/07

Here’s what I’m predicting for Wednesday:

1. Release date for Leopard. I think this will be the only Mac related news.

2. Revamped shuffle- more memory

3. New Nano that plays video and the current iPod games with OSX

4. New Video iPod- a revamped version of the current iPod, but officially called “Video iPod” with OSX

5. New iPod- the iPhone without the phone. These will be at a higher price than the current full sized iPod, hence the reason for #4. Those that want an iPod larger than the Nano, but can’t afford this new iPod will still have that option. If this is not released this week, I don’t expect it until Macworld in January or next September.

6. New iTunes

7. The Beatles in iTunes- Paul and Ringo will perform

What I’d like to see:

1. Video rentals in iTunes
2. More movie studios on board, and more of the current studios selling recent releases

So, what are you expecting?

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