Post-Friday Cat Blogging

Post-Friday Cat Blogging

It’s not my fault, really.

Kevin Drum at CalPundit has pushed me over the the edge, and I may well have needed the shove. Powerless to resist several relevant urges, I hereby join the nascent cat blogging movement with TWO pictures of cats who don’t get along but have grown to tolerate sittting on opposite sides of the window.


That’s Hobbes (otherwise knowns as Señor Buenopornada) on the inside and Sherlock, my landlord’s cat, on the outside. Sherlock would be friends, but Hobbes was tossed into the weeds as a mere infink and raised by humans. I don’t think he knows what a cat is, frankly. Perhaps sharing the New Mexico sun of a winter’s morn will change his life. That his picture is on the Internet will not, but at least I have posted it here before the Great Hobnailed Boot of Irony consigns cat blogging to the dustbin of history. I, however, will be able to say, “I was there.”


Cat bloggers post on Fridays, I understand. Scroll down the CalPundit page and you’ll see what I mean. I’m glad to get in on this, probably just what I need. I’m also not going to sell my Gibson ES-335 12-string or the Fender Twin Reverb amp. Earth needs music and so do I. Screw the rent. There must be a better way to sell out and maybe cat blogging will lead me to it.

Meow, y’all.

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