Another wacky week….Is it just me, or has our nation gone completely nuts?
The U.S. Congress (with the aid of the U.S. press) was in the process or passing (nearly unanimously) legislation that proves we are ignorant racist hypocrites. And rather than doing their job of standing up to the tyranny of the majority, protecting national interests, informing the public, protecting national security and defending what we claim we stand for — they will instead cater to and fear-mongering and even propagate national socialism and hate-mongering based on stereotypes. After this week, I feel like I need to take a shower.
Think of this; we allow foreign countries (even those dirty towel-heads and camel jockeys) to run airlines, and those airlines run their own airport terminals — which is the exact same thing as allowing them to run ship terminals. Lufthansa, El Al, and a dozen middle eastern airlines are all allowed to operate their own airline terminals. Are you afraid of air travel for that reason? Of course not! Why? Because running a terminal is just the ticketing and administration duties; security is provided by American regulations and security agencies like the TSA and U.S. customs. The same with our ship terminals! We provide the security in and out of the entry point, they’re just managing the ticketing and administration. If you get drugs or a terrorist past airport security, it isn’t the Airline’s fault, it is U.S. customs and immigrations fault. If you get a container past port security it is also U.S. customs, the Coast Guard and U.S. immigrations fault! If the shipping company follows our rules and regulations, then how can we blame them? This is something so incredibly simple that 5th graders can easily understand it. Apparently, our press and government representatives can’t, because they sold it as something completely different to the American people, and the gullible bought in.
If you want to fix the problem at airports, you don’t say that foreign companies can’t fly their planes in or run their own terminals, and you don’t kick out their embassies; you fix security and screening! Same with our ports. Kicking the arabs out of our terminals is telling the entire Muslim world that we are racist (as tribal and ignorant as their fanatics are). And thus, this whole event has spread through the arab press already — about how we hate them. This is a fiasco that supports the terrorists and those that want to foment hatred against the U.S. — our own little comic scandal, thanks to ignorant media, senators and congressmen. Basically the Bush bashers saw a political opportunity to make the president look bad, and all they had to do is sacrifice our national interests. For example; Nancy Pelosi, the most ignorant and loud-mouthed twat in the entire congress, was being the poster child of ignorant vitriol and all that is wrong in American Politics, supported by Reid, Schumer and klatch. She’s attacking this deal as a failing of national security, and ignoring that the Chinese run many of the ports in her own state. The message? It is OK for Asians to run our port terminals, just not the Arabs. That sends a great message of our openness and tolerance. One of our biggest allies, the one that we allow to run our biggest military port in the world for us, can’t own interests in the U.S. because we have a special hatred for those evil sand-niggers. Think about this, we just spit in the face of one of our biggest allies in the middle east on the war on terror. A country that had every interest in protecting our ports (and their reputation) and more resources in this area than we had! We told them we didn’t want their help, as if that would somehow improve our security? Are you daft! That’s a great message to send. Plus, it did NOTHING to address the real problems of port security, because who administrates the terminals has almost NOTHING AT ALL to do with who and how port security is provided.
The House Appropriations Committee wasn’t passing a law to outlaw all foreign ownership of ports of entry — only this one deal because they were Arabs/Muslims. Read the text here: It specifically targets this deal, and is an anti-Arab hate-legislation tacked into the middle of hurricane recovery and war funding for Iraq and Afghanistan! We should fire every one that voted for it, because it shows the ignorant kind of hate-mongering and grandstanding they will do for a vote. Of course since you can’t easily find out who voted for/against it, we should fire everyone on the comittee: I know I’ll vote against any of them if I can — Republicans and Democrats alike. And it shouldn’t stop at just this committee, all the loud-mouthed McCarthy wannabe’s should be fired.
This shows how bad things have become. Instead of dong their job; and addressing security, our politicians took an opportunity to grandstand, play to the lowest fears of humanity, make the problem worse (by deluding people into thinking this did something good, while ignoring the real problem), and just basically taking an opportunity to Bush-bash, even when it hurts this nation and our standing in the world. This was like addressing the problem of breast cancer by sending someone to the tanning booth and telling them it will help so they feel better about themselves — and the real effect is it delayed going after a real cure, and increases their risk of getting skin cancer too! Brilliance! It also shows congresses methods of tacking things onto omnibus bills, to make it harder to vote against or vetoing things you should; and is proof that the President absolutely NEEDS the line-item veto.
Shame on them. And shame on anyone who was ignorantly against the port deal. And shame on anyone who doesn’t want to fire every one of the racist hate-mongering legislators that voted for it. If we don’t keep pushing them to work for our national interests and fairness (instead of against them), then they’ll never learn. So fire all the idiots, until we only have representatives we can be proud of. I know it’ll mean high turn-over for a while, but eventually even our public officials can learn. It’s either that, or tolerate the vitriolic hate-mongers and most ignorant elements of our society, and become as bad as all the anti-American idiots out there. We just made ourselves a laughing stock, and are going to have to wear our “Hypocrites” dunce cap for at least a year for this fiasco. The best thing we can do is distance ourselves from our ignorant legislators, and prove they didn’t accurately represent us.
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