Well this year will be the first time I’m going to vote for whom I dislike the least. In previous years I always at least thought that one of the options would do a good job. Not this time, this time I’m voting for who I think will do the least crappy job.
Of course it’s easy to sit here and whine but I’m at least partially culpable for the situation I find myself in. There was at least one candidate who I thought was pretty good John Edwards. But I didn’t give any money, go out and campaign for the guy or even put a freaking sign in my yard. It’s hard for me to blame some vague “they” for not nominating my guy when I wasn’t strongly enough behind my guy to get off the damn couch. I guess I blame his annoying TV show. I kid, I kid, it’s not the same guy.
The point remains, how can I justify my whining when I didn’t do anything to prevent the situation? Sure, I know that I probably wouldn’t have made a difference (tell that to Florida voters) but I should’ve have at least gave it a shot. Then I could really whine. People weren’t receptive, the electorate is mindless, etc, etc.
In any event we’re going to get a skull and bonesman for our next president (shiny side of the tinfoil goes on the outside of the hat people). The only question is which elitist it will be. The answer is fairly predictable, GWB.
I just can’t see him losing, sure enough it looks dead even right now but it looked that way with Dole and Clinton too. I’d say once the conventions are over (why do have those things?) and polling starts in earnest we’ll see an ever widening lead by GWB.
Of course I could be wrong,
Game of the day: Vanilla A really great game, oustanding in every way. Thanks to Beth Lock
TV pick for Thursday: NCAA Tourney hey, I like sports
Book I’m reading that Todd can’t borrow: Curse of Lono Hunter S. Thompson, Ralph Steadman, what more could you ask for?
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