My congratulations to Arnold Schwarzenegger on his choice of a Democrat for his new chief of staff. After getting handed his hat in the recent elections (you know, where he said if Democrats did not do what he demanded, he would take it to the people for a vote, and then the people basically told Arnold to “shut up!”) Well, realizing that he needs to work across both parties (gee, what a thought), he chooses the very competent Susan Kennedy as chief of staff to replace the outgoing Patricia Clarey, who now seems to be blamed for the failure of the elections. Who knew?
Smart move Arnold for so many different reasons. He needs to get both Republicans and Democrats working together to make changes, and that means an ally close at hand will help. And Kennedy is no slouch in this arena either! She is a leader with incredible institutional knowledge of state government, and a deep understanding of public policy. She has served on the California Public Utilities Commission, a place that Arnold needs serious help. She also focused on broadband issues, regulatory consistency, infrastructure investment, and helped promote economic development, again, areas needing attention. She has also been a member of California Bay-Delta Authority, the statewide body responsible for overseeing the restoration of the San Francisco Bay Delta region.
But wait, there is more. She previously served as cabinet secretary and deputy chief of staff for Governor Gray Davis, and was principal liaison to the cabinet and state agencies, departments, and boards and commissions. Prior to Davis’ administration, she served as communications director for U. S. Senator Dianne Feinstein. Sounds like she has some excellent connections for Arnold.
Well, seems like she is not only very qualified, but will bring some powerful connections to the governor’s office. But the appointment seems to have caught both sides by surprise. Democrats, who one would think would be thrilled at this appointment, questioned the motives of this assignment. Democratic Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuez said, “…it leaves many Democrats, as well as Republicans, wondering if he has any core values at all.â€
Will the Democrats PLEASE SHUT UP! Damn, is there no pleasing you people? What is wrong now? Seems all they know how to do these days is complain, EVEN when it goes their way. Wake up dems, this is a plus up in your favor, and might actually get some good compromises started in the California government. And you are questioning his motives? Damn!
But of course, the Republicans are not happy either, but they cannot seem to get their minds in the right place. Immediately the Republican slurs started about her being a lesbian. Conservative Republicans did not welcome this news, because, of course, as a lesbian, how could she properly do her job? Leading the charge of bigotry and hate is Mike Spence, president of the California Republican Assembly, who proudly told the LA Times, “She embodies everything I have spent my life opposing. It obviously raises more problems and concerns about where (Schwarzenegger) is headed next year.â€
Really Mike? You have opposed competence in the job? You have opposed women being successful? (that may be true!) You need to get a life dude and join the 20the century! She has an amazing record, and not once does her sexual preference come into play. But we know what you oppose Mike: You oppose her sexual preference, which, last time I checked, did not affect you at all. The concerns are yours and people like you who are so closed minded to anything that your religion does not approve of, that ignorant people like you insist that we must ALL follow your backward, uneducated ways. Please do explain how her life choices have affected her politics? It is easy in your case to see how your life choices affect your politics every day, mixing religion and church beliefs with your political decisions, something that is supposedly prohibited by the constitution but you ignore blatently, but of course, we all must live with that!
Way to go Mike, throw a bit more hatred, bigotry, and personal religious values into your politics, like so many conservatives do, and ignore her record, Arnold’s attempt to start a healing process to get the state moving again, and the constitution you claim to protect and uphold. In other words, shut the *&^&(*^ up Mike and try and do something constructive for a change.
You views may vary, and I suspect, well along political lines, but here is a chance to start getting this state back on track but helping both parties work together. Bigotry and personal preferences of sexual orientation have NOTHING to do with her ability to do the job, and if ou are just to blind with hatred of something you know nothing of, then perhaps you should find another line of work.
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