Needless to say there are a multitude of booths at the Macworld Expo with products enough to daunt even the most hardened technophile. David Weeks’ picto-spective was comprehensive, inclusive, and fun.
So I thought I’d show some sights that would give a slightly different perspective, with some of the other vendors/huksters sprinkled around the room. They always seem to add color and perspective to what this show is all about.
10,000 apps??? I wonder if ANYONE has them all on their iPhone. Yikes!
Does anyone really believe that this electro-gizmo will cure all their ills? Yeah, probably. I know, as a retired massage therapist, that this technology has been used for years, and does work, to a point, in some applications. But from their promo board you’d think it was the second coming.
Axio uses speed and fantasy to sell bags. Why not? I fantasize about fast bags all the time, don’t you?
Talk about high tech speed. This “car” looks like it’ll go the speed of light.
Bee girls? These kids are being paid to attract attention. Job well done, except here in San Francisco they blend right in.
Etymotic uses this cool phone “isolation” booth to show off their ear buds.
Yes, these are full grown men, er, bunnies. Lots of folks were walking around with rabbit ears. I’m just glad I didn’t see Tim, Guy, or Nemo wearing body parts, though I wouldn’t put it past them.
These are too cool. Like tripods, they hold your camera, but you can afix them to almost anything: a tree limb, railing, lampost, etc. I bought the little one for my point and shoot. Cost: a whopping $20, show price. What a deal.
And you thought the Bee girls were wierd.
This was in a nearly soundproof booth during the pod cast. So right in the middle of it I opened the door to come in…CLICK SCRUNCH… eyes glaring in my direction. Tim is holding the mike.
This was a futuristic looking booth. SkyGazer 4.5 is selling some cool software which puts the heavens right on your computer. Great for astrologers, and, well, stargazers.
Wish you all could have been here. A good time is being had by all. Even the free lunch was edible. I’m very grateful, believe me. The price was right.
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