Photoshop Art by Shilaiz, Episode #1

Shilaiz is the pseudonym used by a talented untraditional colored-pencil and pastel fine artist from Tucson, Arizona, USA. She now uses Photoshop to layer, filter, and liquify her original drawings into unusual abstract and semi-representational digital art.

Beginning with Strathmore Bristol vellum paper, she used pastels and pencils to create “Fluid Dreams” in 2001.

“Kaleiodoscope” was drawn months earlier in a completely different design mode, “having the paper speak to me through a method of letting-go techniques. You need to allow the artistry of a composition to communicate during the physical and intuitive drawing process,” says Shilaiz.

After much coaching and encouragement from John Nemo, Shilaiz now is developing a digital, print, and web portfolio of her liquified, filtered, layered artwork. She spends time-warping hours at her 17″ iMac G4, massaging color and shape into form and content.

“The Racer” (2004) is much more than a hybrid of “Fluid Dreams” and “Kaleidoscope.” This image may be complete as you see it here, or it may be transformed into something totally different weeks or months from now. Shilaiz archives her in-progress digital files after every session, making duplicate CDs that rotate location for abolute peace-of-mind.

She welcomes your comments, which we will forward to her. Shilaiz can be reached through John Nemo until her web presence exists.

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