iOS Lighting Card Reader CR-8800 Nemo Memo
$40 U.S.
Available in four colors
PhotoFast’s versatile iOS Lighting Card Reader CR-8800 is the smallest and most affordable solution to add the largest quantity of external storage to your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. You will never again be short on capacity on your iDevice when you have this clever Lightning tip accessory plus an inexpensive, high-capacity micro SD card.
Here’s how it works. Purchase a 32GB, 64GB, or 128GB micro SD card from your favorite local or online shop, including eBay. The card will include an SD adapter. Insert the micro card into the larger adapter, then plug the combo unit into the SD card slot on your Macintosh or Windows computer. Copy your movies, music, photos, documents, and everything else desired onto the micro card, then eject the SD adapter plus micro card.
Carefully remove the little micro SD from the adapter and insert the micro into PhotoFast’s iOS Card Reader CR-8800. Download and install the free i-FlashDrive ONE app from the iOS App Store on your iDevice, then plug the Lightning tip on the Card Reader into your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Wait a few seconds, then navigate to your content and take your show on the road. You can learn more about the app, plus another external storage device from PhotoFast, in this prior article on MyMac.
Your external media loads quickly and plays without delays. It’s miraculous the first couple of times, and quickly becomes routine. You will be the envy of your friends, family, and acquaintances who are out of space on their iWhatevers, especially the 16GB models.
Be aware that Micro SD cards are very tiny and easy to lose. Keep yours in a large, colorful jar or bag that can be sealed tight, along with the crucial SD adapter. Never set your micro card down, even for a second, because (as I learned) when you turn around or sneeze the card disappears, never to be found.
And know in advance that the thickness of your case will determine if the short Lightning tip on this iOS Card Reader CR-8800 will be able to fit into your iGizmo. If the case is too chubby, there is no easy way without using a Lightning tip extension to use this product. An alternative from PhotoFast that I use with my heavy-duty iPhone and iPad cases is the Memories Cable, that is available in short and long”versions.
PhotoFast’s iOS Lighting Card Reader CR-8800 is the external iOS solution you never knew existed.
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