Osama bin Laden Dead?


“On the Friday before the sixth anniversary of 9/11, Osama bin Laden appeared in a new video, his first since prior to the U.S. presidential elections in 2004. In analyzing the video, Neal Krawetz of Hactor Factor, an expert on digital image forensics, said in his latest blogs that the video contained many visual and audio splices, and that all of the modifications were of very low quality.” (Source: C-Net News)

You can read the entire blog about this HERE.

The source is Dr. Neal Krawetz, who is doing the analysis of the video, and his work seems excellent and thorough. He claims that the video is from clips from videos previously released since 2004. He even compares a later image of bin Laden from another source, were bin Laden has a gray beard, but is wearing the same colored clothing and sitting in front of the same background.

About the only thing Dr. Krawetz has not analyzed is the voice, since he does not speak Arabic, and cannot tell if there is a voice-over or not, or just a series of voice clips from previous bin Laden tapes.

If the video analysis is true, he says “bin Laden is as alive as Elvis.”

HERE is the additional write-up from C-Net News.


Question: If Dr. Krawetz can do this, why hasn’t the CIA, the State Department and other branches of the government done this analysis also? Or have they done it and know the tape is fake, but they do not want the American people to know bin Laden is probably dead, since that information would likely affect the war effort?



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