Open AIM 2.0 is Here!

Here’s the description from the AOL Developer’s Network:

Open AIM continues to lead the way with providing the most powerful and flexible platform to power your communication, collaboration, and social networking experiences. We’re opening up even more to give you unprecedented access to the best of breed tools and services you need to make your applications a success, while providing you with instant access to the AIM community via the new AIM Gallery!

We’ve also redesigned our website to make it easier for you to find and use what you need. Take a look around, sign up for the Open AIM newsletter, and let us know what you think. And scroll down for more details on what’s new with Open AIM!

If you think you have the skillz (yes, I used a ‘z’ at the end :), you can enter the TopCoder contest and have a chance to win some serious prizes!

See you soon!

Lee Givens
AOL Mac Product Lead

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