on Carlin, Mel’s, Offspring, Google, and STP (not necessarily in that order)

I’ve gotta say, the new Offspring album is probably their best in fifteen years. So I’m not surprised that it’s been in the iTunes top five since it was released…

Majorly bummed about losing George Carlin. At his age I guess it’s not a total surprise, but I don’t know, I really thought he’d live forever. What impressed me is that his next-to-last television special, just under ten years ago, was one of the best hours of stand-up comedy I’ve ever heard. By that age, most comedians are just recycling the best material from their heyday. And for the record, every time I get asked one of those stupid questions by airport security, I’m forever tempted to reply “Carrot Top packed my bags.”

So where did I get the news of Carlin’s death from? The user-generated news site Fark.com. Google News and CNN.com have it until a couple hours later, proving that even the biggest, richest, and most resourceful news outlets simply can’t seem to function when news breaks on a Sunday night. And here I thought the internet was supposed be open for business 24-7-365 and allows us to finally escape the tired old notion that the world has to come to a sudden stop at sundown on Sunday. But I digress…

It occurred to me yesterday that one of the most intriguing questions about the iPhone 2.0 software is whether we’ll actually be able to read .rtf-based email attachments. That particularly oddity stupefies me every time I receive one…

This’ll go down as the “weekend I wrote interview questions” – the five question email interview is by far the simplest to orchestrate, and yet I’d managed to fall behind on those ones specifically. And now I’m not only caught up, I’m really caught up…

Remember when I said awhile back that Google’s “android” cellphone project was clearly vaporware, and the only real question was whether it was intentionally vaporware? I’m not looking quite so crazy now. I still say there’s no true tangible evidence that this “android” exists beyond the white papers…

Ate at a Mel’s Drive-in last night for the first time since the MyMac guys and I hit the one in San Francisco during Macworld Expo. Last night I couldn’t remember what I had ordered back in January, and this morning I can’t remember what I ordered last night. Proof that my short-term memory just keeps getting shorter. Wait a minute, who are you again?

Why am I picking on Google so much today? I’m really not sure. Anyway, here goes another. Dear Google Maps, does this really look like the shortest route from Point A to Point B? I’m just sayin’…

…and yeah, that’s a map of me heading over to the Hollywood Bowl tomorrow night to see Stone Temple Pilots. Assuming they don’t break up before then. And forget about the map above, this venue is close enough to walk to. I mean, it’s a longer walk to the grocery store…

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