Oh yeah, Happy Fourth of July!

I keep forgetting today is the Fourth of July, since we in Utah celebrated it yesterday, Saturday, the third of July, because Sunday in Utah is the Lord’s day. No fireworks for Jebus!

All is quiet on this Sunday evening. No people move, even the dogs and horses are silent.

A small flag waves on my front porch, but none of the neighbors have theirs up. Yesterday they did, but I didn’t.

Most of the time I don’t notice how weird it is here in Utah, compared to the rest of the world. Well, as far as most things go. Otherwise, its as normal as, say, well…Stepford.

Most of the time I can ignore it. Today, I can’t. I want people marching in the streets, John Philip Sousa playing from the High School Marching band, people in bleachers cheering and waving flags for this great country.

I guess the Fourth of July falling on Sunday is a good excuse this year for people not doing the above. Claiming the above excuse, “It’s the Lord’s day, and we ARE Republicans and good church members”, rather than the real truth…”We’re slighly ashamed of our country and our leadership this year…’ahem’…well…You know, Sean Hannity is doing his Freedom Fest next Thursday…that is a good thing! Ted Nugent is going to sing the National Anthem! He supports the NRA! You never know when we might need an Uzi to protect our home and family!” (But not if the terrorists attack on Sunday, in Utah. We’ll all be honoring the Lord, no flags out, no Uzi fire, no sir, no way.)

Oh, damn…I’ve gone and done it again. I’ve Expressed my Dissatisfaction in a very Public Way. I really HAVE to stop doing this.

CKS/bl Tridiot Rating: 70.404%

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