Off to My First Macworld

4:15AM-my alarm clock rings. It should be illegal to get up that early in the morning, but it’s a necessary evil to catch a 6:30AM flight from the east coast to San Francisco. My first Macworld. MY FIRST MACWORLD!!

My view at the airport

I never thought I’d get the chance to experience Macworld first hand. Each year I lived vicariously through blogs and tweets, always hoping that one day I’d be the one blogging and tweeting. That day has finally arrived.

The sunrise is somewhere behind the clouds at 30,000 feet

One of the highlights of going to Macworld will be meeting some of the crew: Vicki Stokes, Guy Serle, and Julie Kuehl. We’ve gotten to know each other through email, podcasts, and video chat, but have never met in person. That will be rectified in a few hours.

Over the next few days we’ll be posting photos, interviews, podcasts, and random thoughts as we experience Macworld/iWorld 2013 to its fullest. I hope you’ll join us for the ride.

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