Off-site secure backup?

[I just received the following from Susan, a loyal reader. You have been warned.]

John, I got an email yesterday from a shop owner saying that her shop was broken into. The thieves took $12,000 worth of computer equipment. The computers had “all [her] design work, artwork, book layouts, invitations, class instructions, class schedules, gallery exhibitions, postcards, forms, graphics, specialized fonts, digital photography–the list goes on…. Plus, [the computers were her] work horse computers to do [her] everyday work such as web updates/maintenance as well as load images to [her] shopping cart, website, newsletter and blog.”

She had no off-site backups to these computers, so she lost very important information as well as money and a horrendous amount of time. The coup de grâce was that the police closed the file on the theft within one week because thefts of that magnitude are not a priority.

Reading this sad story led me to think, as I have many times previously, that Apple is not doing a service to people by leading them to believe that Time Machine and Time Capsule can solve their backup problems. Thieves or other disasters such as vandalism, fire or flood can take or destroy Time Machine drives and Time Capsules along with the computers. My husband and I each backup our systems onto two external hard drives at least once a week and take one of the drives on a rotational basis to a safe deposit box in our bank. There is no 100% guarantee, but this procedure is more secure than relying on Time Machine alone. My husband, who is more cautious than I, also locks his external drive into our home safe whenever he leaves the house.

I think you would help many people by mentioning this issue on your website.

[What additional suggestions do other readers have?]

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