Of pepper spray, 360, HD, and Magic Mushrooms

Pepper spray is no substitute for actual pepper. It tastes horrible. And if you think cooking with Onions will make you cry…

Started using Interarchy today for a future review. Actually, I started using it last night, and played around with it some today. So far, I like it. I have only meager needs for an FTP client, and this program crams in a bunch of features I will probably never need or use.

Talked to John Martellaro on the phone today, and the topic of HD came up. We both share a passion for High Definition, but are both in agreement that now is a very bad time for the technology. For me, I think that there is simply too much transition in the technology. I was an early adopter sucker, buying my Samsung HD TV a few years ago when the standards were anything but. Don’t get me wrong, the picture quality is superb. But the darn thing does not even have DVI or HDMI inputs!

My advice to you if you are looking into HD: wait. Let all the format wars settle first, and then get the best ‘set you can for a much cheaper price.

Speaking of HD, I have been playing with my new XBOX 360 in 720p. Wow. I only have one game (Call of Duty 2, a WWII shooter) but so far it looks great. Chad Perry asked how I like the game, and honestly, it is fun, but for the better graphics, it is not any better or enjoyable than Medal of Honor: Frontline I played on the PlayStation 2 three years ago. There are some amazingly immersive battles and locations, but nothing so much greater than the earlier PS2 game.

Today is my oldest daughters birthday, Raechel, who turned 12. What a fun age to be. Like her Dad, she also enjoys video games, so for her birthday, I got her New Super Mario Brothers for the Nintendo DS. While I haven’t got to play it myself yet, I did peek over her shoulder, and the game looks like a nice update to the original NES game. Nothing wrong with updating and making better a classic, and letting a whole new generation learn the joys of jumping over blocks and eating magic mushrooms.

Magic mushrooms? Hey, wait a minute here!…

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