Now that all the Shouting’s Over (The Sale)

After the hoopla of iPhoneDay, exactly what happened and what did I buy?


The purchase experience was better and worse than I anticipated. AT&T was simply not prepared for the onslaught, and their system was simply not up to the task. It went down immediately, and was down for almost an hour before the poor, undertrained staff figured out where the hang-up was hanging up. and worked around the problem. (See previous blog)

But they worked valiantly with good will until the problem was identified and the line could start moving.

The security measures were downright stupid. All the iPhones were behind a locked door and the manager had to physically go and retrieve an armful of black boxes as individual customers reached the counter and expressed their preferences. This was with an armed deputy sheriff standing there! What was he doing? Unlocking the back door so we could sneak up the alley with our precious purchases, past the Group W bench. I was truly afraid of getting mugged.

What kind of an anal corporate middle manager thought that one up! I’d like to slap him around some, just to vent my spleen.

AT&T: F-
AT&T Staff: A+

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