Now that all the Shouting’s Over (The iPhone)

The iPhone is everything they promised.

The interface is elegant and intuitive. Everything works as well as can be expected (Including the less-than-zippy Edge.) But even that is faster than I thought it would be.

Absolutely Amazing.

The cell phone reception is clear as a bell. I couldn’t ask for better audio quality. (After all — that why we buy cell phones . . . right? We need to hear and be heard!)

It was only after I got everything to work that I read the instructions . . . to see what I missed . . . and that wasn’t very much.

Google Maps
iCal synchronization

Dad-gum! They all worked the first time.

Admittedly I had already prepared an iPhone playlist on iTunes and an iPhone album on iPhoto.

The pictures even rotate 360 degrees! Turn right, left and upside down. They all work!

The only thing that didn’t work as well as I expected was syncing my podcasts. It insisted in trying to bring in ALL of the heretofore-unlistened-to podcasts. (Including all of the video podcasts)

But I’ll figure that out.

The Keyboard

I expected to have problems with the keyboard.

I had none! This may be because I have to look at the keys anyhow — I’m not a touch typist. And my fingers are not fat, either.

My wife was having targeting issues until I noticed she was aiming with her fingernail instead of the ball of her finger. Now she’s in the other room exchanging text messages with her daughter in California.

So my advice is to let the learning curve solve your iPhone typing problems. Start with your index finger. You will get used to it and will be double-thumbing in no time.

Apple: A++ with a bullet • !

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