Nothing of import

Drunken Nun Hits Car with Tractor

You don’t really need to read the story, the headline pretty much says it all. The only other thing worth noting is just how drunk the Sister was: 17 times the legal limit. 17X??? Jeesum Crow, Todd maxes out at three or four times the legal limit! I know I know, Polish limits are lower than the limits in the good old US of A. I did some research and the limit in Poland is .05. In the US it’s either .1 or .08. So the Sister was running at .85? That’s really drunk. So incredibly drunk I’m skeptical. Death is a common side effect of alcohol at around .5… If I recall the LD50 of alcohol is about .4. (long after the vultures have flown the coup, Damn you Boodles). I suppose a BAC of .85 is on the fringes of possibility but a BAC of .85 and being alert enough to drive a tractor? I suspect an error in translation.

Saw Touching The Void today, well worth seeing. It sounds cliche but it’s a story I wouldn’t have believed if it hadn’t actually happened. Plot synopsis Simon and Joe climb an Andean mountain. Joe breaks leg in horrific manner. Massive pain and bravery ensues. Excellent audience jokes cracked during movie:
“Hey, when does the rugby team eat these guys?” and ( a near nose spewing soda moment) in the voice of Simon from American Idol: “That’s the worst one legged mountain descent I’ve ever seen. Who told you you had talent?” Honestly, I just sat there and shook in silent laughter. It was physically painful.

I recieved quite a few e-mails about the Delacroix story I posted recently. I was surprised by the interest, decided any installment I wrote after that would be a let down (hey, I didn’t expect people to actually read it) and put the project into file thirteen. Todd talked me out of it, he said if I didn’t want to do it I should have ended the story with the first installment. He’s right, the swine, so I’ve been working on the second part.

Game of the day: Fryday Hangman with gratuitous violence.

Monday Night TV pick:Bugsy Excellent movie.

Allow me to be tangential for a moment: When I was a lad we had a dozen channels. I watched TV about the same amount I do today (all the freaking time). Most of the shows were terrible: Charlies Angels, The A-Team, Man From Atlantis, Manimal, Macguyver, Tom Snyder, SNL with Anthony Michael Hall, BJ and the Bear etc. All these shows were awful with zero redeeming qualities. I ate them up and didn’t bit… err complain (hey, I just found out this is a family site, I’ve gotta cut back on the profanity). Now I find myself whining about TV all the time, there’s never anything good on etc, etc. It’s more likely that the vast number of choices has spoiled me.

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