Nothing New In The News Today

Source: The Quasimodo Telegraph News

Not really, anyway.

Spain ousted their conservative government which was friendly to the United States, and put in power someone who will join France in wimping out over the terrorism they experienced from the Islamic extremists, giving Al Qaeda their first big win That the terrorist’s opinon of it, I am sure. But they are still cowards in the eyes of the world.

In other news today, some people were born. Some people died.

Some people today got arrested, and some got away.

Some got sentenced to prison, or Guantanamo Bay.

I forget which. Perhaps it was Martha Stewart.

Vainglamorous Celebrities came and went.

Some got new lovers, or tossed them away.

Stocks rose and fell.

So did the Almighty Dollar.

Gas went up again, for the same reasons it does every year: Same old refinery explosion. Same old cost of transporting gas to gas stations. (Maybe if they charged less for their gas, it wouldn’t cost so much to drive it to the gas stations!)

Our faithful robot friends in space keep sending us pictures of sunny, balmy Mars, whose untouched shores are lapping with ancient unseen water. Hubble keeps doing its thing, showing us scenes of yesteryear’s starlight.

Our valiant warriors still keep watch over Iraq, which is now a fourth rate desert nation sitting on the oil we all covet.

New Governor Schwarzeneggar seems to be doing a decent job here in the beleaguered nations of Northern and Southern California. At least he prevented a civil war between us.

Sports goes on as usual. Still, none of it is worth watching.

No film tonight

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