Notes from the Editor #7, Nov. 1995

Hello again from the basement of Tim Robertson, where I sit while writing this ‘Notes’ piece. It is turning cold outside, and I think I will start my Christmas shopping early this year. Of course, I have a while yet, so there is no big hurry…

Does anyone else hate that Rolling Stones song “Start Me Up” now?
I used to like it, until Microsoft started using it for the Windows 95 commercial. In response, perhaps Apple should use a song from the ‘Pretenders’?

In the news, I am happy to report that America Online once again takes the lead in advances for online users. How? AOL now lets users to send and receive files over the internet! So all you My Mac subscribers out there, I will be sending out future issues from AOL. It is getting to the point where people will not even need a separate internet provider. Soon, you will be able to access everything from a online service. However, I am not yet sure if that is a good or bad thing yet? Let me know what YOU think! If you already have a internet account, is it worth it? What do you use it for the most? Is Web page access better than from AOL or eWorld? Let me and the readers know!

In sad news, I am no longer online with eWorld. For more on the reasons why, see my column ‘Farewell eWorld’ later in this issue. I welcome any responses you may have to this, but I won’t change my mind. (Maybe. I hate being indecisive!) I have also heard some rumors that Apple is giving up on eWorld…

Many people write in wondering why I do not bash Window/PC users. Should I? Let me know what you think! In the meantime, I will give you this…

The facts
Windows 95 is not a full 32-bit system. The Mac OS is, too.
Microsoft admits that 30% of windows tested programs that already exist have a problem on Win95
Multi-tasking can only occur if the program is specifically written for Windows 95
File names still cannot use some special characters, like ? * / ‘ .
Windows 95 does not recognize when a disk has been ejected.
Longer file names are only PASTED over the old 8 character names used before Win95, thus Windows 3.1 users may have problems. And last, but not least, IT STILL NEEDS DOS!!!

Now, is that windows bashing? I don’t think so. These are facts.
Here is another.
The Mac cannot do multi-tasking yet, either.
(Wait to System 8 Copland! And OPENDOC!)

More sad news. Guy Kawasaki is leaving Macworld after the November issue hits the stands. It was a fond farewell, and those of us who enjoyed his writing will miss him greatly. On the upshot, though, Guy will be moving back to Apple! This can only be good for Apple, as they really do need someone like Guy over there to get them back on course. And if, buy chance, Guy still wants to write a article (for free!) My Mac would be happy to print ANYTHING he sends this way! (hint-hint).

And speaking of Macworld, I am happy to be able to share with you all a article written by Mac guru Cary Lu. As many of you may know, Cary Lu is the writer of ‘PowerBook Note” in Macworld, as well as being listed as a contributing editor. I wish it were a original piece, but he is a high priced writer, and I am a no money magazine;-) Special thanks go out to Carolyn Curtis (who may soon become a My Mac writer as well?) for bringing this article to my attention. And thanks to Cary Lu himself for allowing me to reprint this great piece of writing. Thanks, Cary! And my offer to Guy also extends to you as well! If you ever want to write a article for My Mac, I would be VERY honored to print it! (I need all the help I can get, And you are a great writer!)

In this issue, please welcome new regular writer Peter Miner. Peter is a great guy, and somewhat new to Macs. So as Peter learns, so will we all! See his two columns in this issue.
Russ Walkowich is also back with a must read article “System Setup”. Thanks to Russ for such a fine article everyone should read.

One last thing before I go. Many people write in with software/hardware questions, so starting next month (If I get enough response) My Mac will begin a trouble-shooting column. Having a problem with your Mac? Need an answer? Write in with your question or problem, and we here at My Mac will do our best to find the answer. If we don’t know, we will find someone who does! Even if that means calling the company direct, and waiting on hold for a hour! As with any letter sent to My Mac, we may not be able to get back to you as quickly as we want, but we will respond to every letter sent. I and my dedicated group of helpers will try to find an answer to every question sent.
(By the way, it’s 6,451 licks to the middle of a Tootsie roll pop!)

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