Read Me
So, did you read the “read me” file sent to you with this issue? If not, I will also take this opportunity to fill you in.
My Mac will be released in two formats each month. First, you can continue to receive the DOCMaker only format that you are reading now. Or you can subscribe to “My Mac Deluxe”, which will be the same as My Mac “regular”, but will be sent to you each month with all the shareware/freeware programs we review each month. (Unless forbidden by the author.) This will be very helpful to all our Internet only readers, as many of the software reviewed here in My Mac can only be found on America Online. (And visa versa) In addition to the reviewed software, you will also receive some fun system 7 double-clickable sounds (to do with as you like), some Startup Screens not found anywhere else, some Icons for My Mac readers only, and anything else we can find to stuff in there!
So how much for all this? $12.00 per year (12 issues). Simply open the “Order Form”, print it, and send to the listed address. (Hand written forms are o.k. if you do not own a printer) You will still receive My Mac via email, or for an extra $10.00, to your home postal address.
So save yourself some time hunting for all the software you read about every month, and subscribe to “My Mac Deluxe” today! And, hey, you never know what may turn up in that folder each month:-)
Where Navigator goes, so too Microsoft
Netscape Navigator, the world’s most popular web browser, will soon be used by the millions of America Online users as
well. Netscape made a deal with the online giant to provide its members with a choice of Web browsers in the future,
starting with either version 2.8 or 3.0 of the AOL software. (No word if they will support the Mac client or not…)
The next day, Microsoft, masters of the bandwagon game, also announced that its web browser, Microsoft Explorer, will
also be available to AOL users. (Microsoft also has a deal with CompuServe to provide the same service there.)
This is all good for AOL members who have not yet jumped onto the IP boat. Last issue’s “AOL vs Direct access” column
provided reasons many members have already left AOL, and Web browsers were high on that list. With the Netscape/AOL
deal, that may be a moot point.
CompuServe also has a new fixed rate. Unlimited online time for less then $20.00. I really hope AOL follows suit. In
fact, with direct internet access so cheap, and CompuServe following this trend, I really don’t see that AOL has a
choice. So all you AOL members out there, be sure to write in or call AOL and demand they offer a fair pricing scale
like CompuServe.
Compatible with Windows 95?
I did not make this up! I pulled this off a local First Class BBS, but it says more about Windows 95 than I ever could…
Does anyone know if LucasArts plans to come out with more games that are compatible with Windows 95? I’ve just recently bought X-Wing game for DOS. True, you can load DOS games with Windows 95 but it’s rather difficult. We’re running into all kinds of problems. Like the game can only run on DOS sound drivers and not Win95’s. Or there isn’t enough EMS memory. And other little things that make a big difference. I spent $30 on that game. I hope one day I will actually be able to play it. You’d think with a pretty good computer with 8 MB of RAM and about 600MB of HD space and a 4X CD-ROM drive you could play a simple game such as X-Wing.
All I can say is, you should have bought a Mac! (Plug and Play my behind!)
Here is a tidbit of information I have gleaned from a source within Forbes, the magazine. Seems that Forbes has dropped Apple from their list of regular invitees to Forbes. Well, I guess the press is starting to believe their own hype now, eh? Or maybe Apple, before Mr. Forbes dropped out of the Presidential race, supported another candidate? Nahhh! Business and politics never get mingled like that!
Who will it be?
When it comes to the next major Macintosh clone maker, that seems to be the big question. As most of you may already know, Motorola has licensed the MacOS, and they plan to sell Macs in the Far East. Pioneer is also looking at developing a Macintosh computer. But none of these companies will have all that big of an impact on the computer industry. So, after thinking about who the next (or first, depending on how you look at it.) major Macintosh clone maker will be, and after reading a few recent news reports, I think only one company makes sense.
Will “Big Blue”, one of the partners is the PowerPC chip development (With Apple and Motorola) one day start making a mac? (IBMacintosh? I.B.Mac? Aptiva Mac? AptiMac?) They would be the perfect fit, so to speak, for a mac clone. And Apple has dropped enough hints lately! Did you know that Apple demonstrated a IBM computer running the MacOS? It happened just last month.
Think about what it would mean for IBM to become a Macintosh computer maker. On one side, you would have Microsoft, Compact, and Intel. One the other: Apple, IBM, and Motorola. (MCI vs AIM?)
I would really like to hear what YOU think about this? Please write in and give us any thoughts you may have on this subject. What would the IBM Mac be called? Would they outsell Apple? Would they focus on the high-end market, or the low-end? What response would Microsoft have? It is no secret that IBM and Microsoft fell out of bed long ago. And the two biggest chip makers, Intel and Motorola, I am sure, have no love lost between them, either.
Next month, we will print some of your thoughts and ideas on this. So please, write in with your thoughts!
***last minute update***
As reported in PC Week, Compaq, the biggest computer maker in the world, is looking at developing computers on the PowerPC platform. According to PC Week, Compaq is not happy with the Intel/Microsoft platform, and feels that the PowerPC chip would be a better platform for their market goals. (Macintosh, Windows NT, and Unix). But I still feel that IBM will also start making Macs in the very near future. And I still want you to send in those letters!
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