Not too much on my mind these days….

….So, I’m just letting my mind wander somewhat aimlessly. Some random thoughts…

-I have no idea who I will vote for in the general election. Seriously, I don’t like anyone who’s running. Anyone else have this,,,, problem?

-Anyone care to take a guess as to how many morons will burn themselves or others, blind themselves or others, or seriously injure themselves or others, with fireworks on this upcoming Forth of July weekend? Boy, I just don’t know… The more these people are warned about the dangers of fireworks, the more defiant they become.

-And isn’t it funny that the same people who do the fireworks thing every summer, do the bit every winter where they walk out onto ice that they have been warned to stay off of ? Ahh, Darwin’s theory at work. Or, maybe it’s just that good old ‘œnobody tells ME what to do!’ syndrome.

-I’ve just learned that the Hood company has bought out Brigham’s Ice Cream. This is a case of ‘œaww nuts!’ For those not from the New England area, Brigham’s has long been one of the very best ice cream brands. Over the years the company has changed. They have closed most of their restaurants, and concentrated on selling their products through the local supermarkets. Hood, a dairy company, has lots of dairy products but Hood’s ice cream has always been lousy. I hope they don’t change the recipe for Brigham’s chocolate and vanilla ice cream, or Brigham’s hot fudge sauce, which is beyond comparison. That my friends, will truly be a sad day. (Sad enough that a lot of Brigham’s employees are going to lose their jobs. )

-But, we always have Kimball’s.

-Can anyone explain why women don’t stink the way men do, after working out? No really, even after running or cycling in hot, humid weather, women just don’t stink the way men do. Guesses, anyone? Intelligent design, maybe?

-How about Jack Bauer for president?

-On occasion, I’ve watched those infomercials for Time / Life music, that run late on weeknights on UHF channels. I listen, I watch, and I get ideas for what to buy from the iTunes music store. How’s that for twisted?

-Like the late, great George Carlin, there are certain people I can do without. On this list, are people who think that ‘œbarbecue’ is a verb, meaning to cook food outside. Folks, that is ‘œgrilling’. Barbecue is a southern cooking style, and damn is it tasty! Understand?

-How many people would like to see chef Gordon Ramsay come into their workplace cafeterias and just go nuts? I know I’d like that. Just how many variations of ‘œmystery meat in canned gravy’ are there anyway?

-Am I one of the only guys who finds tattoos on women to be incredibly alluring? (as long as it’s not prison tattoos, gang tattoos, or anything that reads ‘œProperty of..’ followed by the name of someone who bears a strange resemblance to a Rock-Em Sock-Em robot, or an extra on ‘œPrison Break’. )

-More people I can do without: Yuppies who get in any kind of a line, and have no clue as to what they’re doing there. I’m talking about those twits who always manage get in front of me when I’m in a bank, or when I’m waiting to order take-out food, or when I’m in line to buy a movie ticket. Folks, for the love of god, will you please sort it all out BEFORE you get in line? Decide what movie you want to see, what food you’re going to eat, and what kind of business you want to transact, BEFORE you get in line. Is it too much to ask? Is it really too much to ask?

With that, have a great, and safe, Fourth of July, 2008.

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