Whenever I go on a trip I take a carry-on and my camera, and that’s it. But on this particular trip to Norway I had to check a bag, take a carry-on, etc. If I’m forced by circumstances to check a large bag I usually make sure I have a pair of socks, underwear, and a shirt in my carry-on “just in case.”
This time I really didn’t have the room for all that because I had extra stuff with me needed to play my gigs, so I tempted fate and relied on my bags making it to my destination with me. Well, fate won out. My suitcase was left behind by the airline in Amsterdam, and now I sit in my hotel room wearing the same clothes I’ve been wearing for the last 36 hours. Thank goodness for the shower.
So kids, if you have to check your bags, make sure you take along some back-up in your carry-on because, sure as shootin;, the airlines will screw up your plans if they have the opportunity. Thanks, US Air. For nothing.
More from Norway coming soon.
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