The pre announcement of new iMacs has me pretty interested, I can’t wait to see what the folks at Cupertino roll out. I’m hoping for something fairly outstanding. Heck any redesign with the iMac moniker that isn’t a home run would be very disappointing, after all they’ve set the bar pretty high.
Of course Apple isn’t known for showing off half done projects, talking about all the great features that are going to be incorporated only to face slipping time frames, lost features etc. Heck no, that marketing strategy is taken. Of course just because the denizens of infinite loop won’t reveal anything doesn’t mean a bunch of internet hacks can’t speculate, lie, and photoshop up a bunch of nifty rumors. All that is okay in my book, some of the designs are pretty cool and all that effort shows just how interested people are in what Apple is going to do next.
The rub here is that I’ve been searching for the rumors, the speculation, the “official” designs and came up empty. Not a single “leaked” drawing, not one unconfirmed report on the specs, or even a “my buddy who knows a guy that once temped at a company that Apple contracted with for lawn maintenance said…” The closest I’ve come to anything is a bit of “wouldn’t it be cool if” from an e-mail someone sent me. His idea featured a detachable touch screen monitor with its own hard drive and G4 chip. The base would house a G5 and all the usual stuff. Hmm, said I, how much do you think Apple would sell something like for? The reply: $799. Yeah, sure. Still that isn’t much info, pretend or otherwise, unless pipe dreams are now informative. I hope the seeming dearth of iMac speculation/lies/rumors isn’t a result of apathy about a new iMac. I hope I’m just looking in the wrong places.
Personally, I can’t think of any improvements for an iMac. Sure I can list the improvements I would like to see but I’m not the typical iMac consumer. I like things like expandability, extra memory slots, upgradeable processors, extra drive bays, basically the stuff you see people complain about the most. Those people really shouldn’t complain, they should buy a G5 tower. iMacs are not targeted at folks who like to muck about with the internal components, they’re meant for folks who want a turnkey solution. That was the whole deal about the i part of iMac, a computer that could get you on the internet straight out of the box. It’s a lot like complaining about a jaguar not being able to handle the same terrrian as a hummer.
Which brings me to my final point: Just how compelling is the current iMac when compared to the eMac? Not very in my opinion. Neither takes up much space, the performance difference for the average individual is negligible and worst of all you can’t keep the iMac monitor (the biggest difference) if the computer craps out. I think the price difference between the two models is more than justifiable, or rather I would feel the price difference was more than justifiable if you could keep the monitor when you stopped using the computer. Heck I would’ve already bought a twenty incher if I thought I could keep the monitor when/if I switched to a G5. But that’s just me.
Time for links, everyone loves links cause they kill time at work and its a short work week which means there is no real reason to do anything, heck you’re already a day behind.
I’m no biology expert but somehow I think this idea is bound to fail. I bet Roy will back me up.
I can’t get enough Spiderman, can’t get enough bad physics. Still, when you see a superhero movie you should suspend disbelief for at least a little while. At least that’s my take, these people disagree. Supersphincter
Most annoying web page EVER I’ve run across lately.
Bigfoot photos page 1
Excellent short animation.
Evilbert. Actually I’d call it “TV perspective…Loser”
Something that I really appreciated:
Five $#!tt^ Movies Everyone Enjoys
Actually there was one movie I enjoyed on the list, the rest did suck.
Game Pick:
Hungry, Hungry Hippos Sure it sucks but I’ve got a kid, I need the practice.
Music interlude: Usually I pick something funny, but the rainmakers used to rock. They were one underenjoyed band. Take a listen:
Reckoning Day
Todd Long Count Down:
One of the many odd fellows Todd met deep in the forest. Skape notes: 25 days left.
cks/BL Tridiot rating: MORE COWBELL! Thanks to the Avocett 45tt
note Beth’s next review contains a super killer spleen rupturing joke.
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