Nick Miller, Portal Director

Nick Miller – That’s me, I guess. AKA Kathy Kauble.

At least according to all the current junk mail I been getting. Somehow, everyone of these characters that generate this stuff now thinks I have an alias or two.

Nope. Always answered to my name and nobody else’s. Although I have been known to answer to “Hey You!”

So now all my mail Inbox is full of fantastic and perverse emails to Nick Miller and/or Kathy Kauble. They always run in pairs.

Good. Makes it that much easier to DELETE their crap.

Junk Mail. Don’t you hate it?

But one piece caught my eye.

“Nick Miller – We need you to be the Portal Director for Ridgecrest California.”


Portal Director. Hmmm. Don’t Browsers do that job?

If I want to go somewhere on the Internet, I tell my browser what portal to go to, and it takes me there.

Maybe the job is to be a Portal Director on someone’s website.

But I know HTML. I know that with just a few lines of code, anyone can click on a link to go to whatever page on that website there is.

Portal Director.

. . . but it will look good on my resume, right?

. . . and putting it under my name on my business card will look good too, huh?

I can see it now. Me. Sitting in front of my computer. Watching people direct their browsers to all sorts of Web Portals. Boring Job. Wonder if I get to wear a hat?

. . .

I almost did it. I almost clicked open that email to see what a Portal Director was.

But I didn’t.

If any of you had the misfortune to answer that one, let me know.

I am curious just what sort of character generates this stuff.

But as for me, I gotta go direct some breakfast. . .

Roger Born
“Always drink upstream from the herd”


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