NFL picks: Guy is still on target

Say it ain’t so Joe! The NFL season is almost at a close. Just three more games that mean anything before we have to wait until July/ August for more bone-crunching action.

I’ve done two blogs this season talking about my predictions and haven’t done too badly. I’m much too lazy to go back and check, but I think I’m about 75%.

For those keeping score, I said the Indianapolis Colts and the Chicago Bears would represent their respective conferences this year at the Superbowl and so far, it’s still possible as both will be playing this weekend.

Will Peyton Manning finally break the “Marino” curse where he racks up all kinds of records as a quarterback, yet his team always fails to grasp the brass ring? Will Rex Grossman bring his A game against New Orleans? Or will Chicago fall into an end of season slump and watch the Saints go marching in to Miami?

If it goes as I guessed earlier with an Indy/ Chicago Superbbowl, I still think Chicago will pull it out. If the Saints manage to beat da Bears, I think the Saints will pull the championship.

Notice I haven’t said anything about the Indy/ New England game for the AFC. I think New England will stumble against the Colts. At least I hope so, because ANOTHER New England vs somebody Superbowl would take a lot away from the game as far as I’m concerned. Frankly, I also think it doesn’t matter as either Chicago (IF they play to the level they’re capable of) or New Orleans is more than a match for either of the AFC possibles. i guess we’ll find out soon.

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