Apple Insider says:
“Late rumor has iPhone 3.0 getting copy-and-paste, multitasking….”
Somehow, this is not a surprise to me. With the Palm Pre touting multitasking, cut and paste, and other “new” items for a smart phone, and the continued complaints that there is no copy and paste, I am not surprised by these rumors. Personally, copy and paste is likely, but I am not really expecting such a large change as multitasking. That would be a very large change, and adds a whole new slew of instability issues I think Apple would want to avoid. The addition of abilities to have parts of some apps run in the background may appear, but I suspect what that app can do will be limited. If anything in this area, maybe a timer that wakes up your app at a specific time? We shall see….
Even Macworld is asking for copy and paste and background apps (among other things) from 3.0 release. The competition is heating up, so I am sure Apple will have a few cool new features in 3.0, and these seem like obvious candidates.
Seth Weintraub of Computerworld thinks we might just see a tablet.
Not much of a stretch here. With talk of 10″ screen purchases from Apple, and a recent job posting which stated they are looking for people to help with iPhone and other embedded devices, it is not a far distance to go to think the ever talked about Web Tablet is just around the corner. But will they talk about it on Tuesday? Are they ready to reveal a new product at the same time they talk about iPhone 3.0 software? Tune in tomorrow….
Even CNET is in on the rumors. Have a look at the link here for their view of the new Apple Touch Screen Tablet.
Very cool looking device, and I for one would not mind seeing such a thing show up, especially if it could run all the iPhone apps too.
And CNN not to be left out has posted a great deal of “data” as to why the touch tablet may be real.
I know one thing for sure, if they do not show a touch tablet device, there are going to be a lot of sad people!
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