NEWS: Apple Event: iPhone 3.0 Features

* No new hardware. How sad is that? Maybe just to early to talk about the mythical 10″ pad.
* Update is free this summer for all iPhone users
* Includes MMS and A2DP stereo bluetooth, except for older 1.0 EDGE phones.
* A $9.95 update for the iPod touch people. Damn, we always have to pay! And obviously no bluetooth on the touch!
* iPhones to be launched in 17 more countries
* Release of the 3.0 SDK today.
* New in 3.0:
– Safari password manager. ABOUT TIME!
– Shaking shuffles your songs. Cute.
– Some parental controls on video and movies.
– Mentioned something about Wifi auto-login. I thought it already did that.
– Spotlight for the iPhone. Slide LEFT on the home page. Gee, I wonder how often we will all be entering that by mistake?
– Mail searching, both locally, and back to the iMap server.
– Also searches the calendar
– … and perhaps other apps too?
– Voice memos using external bluetooth devices.
– Landscape mode in mail and notes. ABOUT TIME!
– Multiple photos can now be sent in email
– CUT AND PASTE web content. ABOUT TIME!
– “100’s” of other new features. Really?

CUT and Paste works across all applications. Some dragging function causes a cut, copy, and paste menu to appear. So we are finally up to 1984 with this OS? This was LONG overdue, but I suspect they were not sure how to exactly do this.

Lots of new apps being shown.

* Leaf Trombone: play music with others on line. Really?
* ngmoco:) announces a social networking app that is always running. I wonder if it knows where I am too, and tells others. Do I really want people to know this stuff?
* Lifescan glucose monitoring software. Using the new communications protocols (see below), I suspect you add a device to monitor your blood sugar? It uses this to suggest menus. But do I really trust my cell phone or iPod to be testing my blood sugar? Interesting though.
* ESPN has a app for watching sporting games live, and alters quality based on available bandwidth. If I were a sports nut, this would be big. IF! Does this mean that since it uses the AT&T network, you cannot receive a call if watching a game?
* Oracle announced 5 new apps aimed at IT people. It uses push technology so the user does not have to query everything.
* EA is showing SIMS3
* Meebo is showing an “all” IM app.

* There is a new API for sharing games, streaming content, and voice chat while playing games. So while I still cannot use SKYPE for voice over IP, I can start a game and then talk to someone over VIOP while playing the game? This is odd.
* JD Powers now ranks the iPhone number 1 with business. Seriously, past the Blackberry? I thought there were all these security issues with email? Hmmm…..
* More talk on PUSH technology being back. Maybe they got it right this time? ABOUT TIME!
* New communications protocols for Bluetooth, cable, and network. This could be big. Finally opening this up a bit. Maybe now we can send “cards” to each other? Looks like device to device will work now. I hope this is true.
* The claim is not about 31 Million Touch devices sold: 17 million iPhones and 13.7 million iPod Touches. Wow!

More when I read about it too.

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