New yellow iPod nano?

During Conan O’Brien this evening, Apple’s new television ad for the second generation iPod nano appeared but featured one bizarre deviation from the norm: when the five different-colored nanos were shown at the end, the blue nano had been replaced with a bright yellow one. Thinking I’d seen it wrong, I rewound it only to find that the nano on the left really was in fact yellow. Not being able to help myself, I paused it and snapped a picture:

Which was really weird because I’d seen the nano ad the day before, and the blue nano certainly was blue last time around. Assuming that my television must have suddenly lost its ability to properly display the color blue, I spent the next several minutes watching to see if the blues on those ads were also showing up as yellow. But surprisingly enough, three different shades of blue all showed up find in the next ad, as evidenced by this picture:

Obviously Apple hasn’t really brought out a yellow nano and forgotten to tell anyone, but I’m curious as to whether there’s just something odd with my television or other people have also seen this mutilated version of the ad in which the blue nano shows up yellow.

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