New .mac features. iLife 08, iWork 08

Apple finally does something cool with .mac since its debut over the smoldering grave of iTools. They have upped its storage for basic accounts from 1gb to 10gb. If you had the next version up, your 2gb becomes 20gb. Not all the details are known yet, but I’ve read that data tranfers of over 100gb monthly are now the norm. The ability to transfer a domain name (Apple still isn’t in the domain name biz like GoDadddy and the like) and other cool toys that I haven’t yet hyperventalated about.

iWork 08 finally has a spreadsheet app and it’s called (to absolutely no ones surprise) Numbers. I’m sure they’ve done some new things with Pages and Keynote as well. I’m interested in how integrated these three apps will be.

iLife 08 includes a new feature in iPhoto called Events. No details are known (at least from me) but it should be something integrated with .mac. iMovie now accepts HD video natively and apparently has a new streamlined interface. iWeb has been updated as well (I’m sure that too is related to .mac) along with new versions of GarageBand and iDVD.

THIS is kind of the excitement I had wanted back at MacWorld 07.

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