There’s been some talk lately about the Apple iPhone. Maybe you’ve heard of it? This device has really slipped under the radar with so little hype that I’m amazed that Apple even bothered releasing it… OK, obviously I’m kidding. I think there are a few cannibals somewhere in the Amazon (not the shopping site…although) Rainforest that MAY have escaped hearing about the iPhone, but I wouldn’t put money on it.
So, now that the iPhone is out, what’s next for Apple? There are a few items in their inventory that could use some updating. All their laptops spring to mind. The MacBooks and MacBook Pros have pretty much had the same look for about a gazillion years. Sure, there have been some speed bumps but nothing in the way of a redesign for their appearance. If you bought a G4 PowerBook back in 2001, you be hard pressed to tell the difference outwardly between that and an Intel MacBook Pro.
What else? The iMacs have also had the same overall design for some time. Rumor has it that a sleek, brushed metal iMac (along with new displays) are coming soon. The Mac mini is also rumored to either get the ax or have a new design. The Mac Pros have the same look since the G5 towers came out, but these are pro machines and most pros really don’t care what their machines look like as long as they blaze through whatever tasks they lay out.
What does that leave? Why, the iPod of course! The 5th gen (sorry…5.5) has been around looking a little gray for what seems like forever. Some analysts have really gone out on a limb and said that the next gen iPod will look a lot like (GASP!) an iPhone!
If true this would be great news for me. While the iPhone really looks cool and pinching seems to be the wave of the future, spending $600 (or $500 for one with less memory after the OS is installed than a mid-range nano) for a phone is excessive for me. As I’ve said on the podcast, I don’t need the iPhone functions (all the web stuff I’d rather do on a laptop) and a lack of storage makes it less than endearing to me.
I want an iPod with the iPhones 3.5-inch screen, the ability to link directly to the iTunes store (so it could be Wi-Fi enabled, but limited to content delivery like movies, music, and podcasts for all I care), be able to connect my digital camera and camcorder to it for offloading and review, and allow me to listen to a LOT of stuff with at least 30gb of storage. Lastly it should be less than $400. Any more than that and I’ll have to pay the wife tax (as in hearing that it was a complete waste of money until I die).
So, Apple, how about dazzling me?
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