New iMac Episode 3

What did I do in a former life that deserved this?

Or has it something to do with balance in the universe. For 22 years I’ve had virtually trouble-free Maccing, with just the occasional weird glitch. I can’t remember any problems before with changing over to a new Mac. Certainly no issues concerning transferring the data from the old to the new.

After having no luck with FireWire, and thanks to helpful information from the wonderful MyMac guys, I tried Migration Assistant via Ethernet.

The iMac and G4 were plugged into our Ethernet hub. Immediate recognition occurred and data transfer began. It seemed that success was within sight. I was a bit surprised that I couldn’t see all 3 partitions on the G4’s main HD, or the 2nd internal HD, but I thought Migration Assistant, in its wisdom, might deal with them one at a time.

I began preparing my victory speech. But elation was shortlived. After about an hour MA on the iMac declared that there was a network problem and suggested I check the connections, which I did … nothing obvious was amiss.

Husband and son suggested it might be an idea to try direct connection between the 2 computers rather than going through the ethernet hub. This didn’t bring up any connection … the 2 computers just kept looking for each other.

Rang Applecare for the second time … this time got a woman in India with an American accent. Connection was bad and I could hardly hear her. I refrained from shouting that I didn’t want to talk to someone in India. I retold the story (isn’t it annoying getting a different person each time, so that you have to go over the whole rigmarole again!), then had to hand over to my husband because a business associate had arrived.

Colin and the woman in India retried the FireWire approach. This time they got beyond the ‘waiting to see hard disks’ routine, but the only HD that appeared was the SECONDARY HD. I don’t need the data from that one … it’s all backups.

Frustration level is at screaming pitch. I haven’t been able to do any work for 4 days.

I think we really need a very skilled technical person here who can diagnose the problem … after all, there could be something wrong with the G4, ethernet connections, or any number of other possibilities.

Why do I always have DIFFICULT problems to deal with!

Stay tuned for the next exciting episode …………..

PS The strange thing is that if you look in the ‘Shared’ section of the iMac’s Finder Window sidebar, you can see ALL of the G4s HDs and partitions, including the external Maxtor. Fishy, I say, decidedly fishy.

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