Hello again, and how is everybody?
Me, I’ve been married 25 years today. The mind reels in awe of the mystery of it all (and so do I, on those days when I have one). This is posted at JHFarr.com, as noted down below. Praise God and pass the goop!
It all started with the toes.
I was an adult student taking a music theory class. She was teaching, sitting on the edge of a table at the front of the room, her legs hanging down. It was a warm, humid early spring day and the windows were wide open. Her sandals didn’t quite reach the floor, and I watched her toes stretch and curl every which way as she talked. Unconsciously arousing on her part then, from this vantage point now, it was like watching tadpoles darting plump and shiny at the edge of a sunlit pond.
Current column always here: http://www.jhfarr.com/grack/
This column archived at: http://www.jhfarr.com/grack/11606.html
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