New Blogger on Board

Well, I’m flattered. After consistently getting myself in trouble with things I’ve written on my various Web sites and in my personal blogs, I’ve been asked by the folks at to contribute to their blogs. I’m not worried. The folks that read what I write here are not likely to be offended by what I have to say.

The question is, what WILL I say? I thought I might use some keystrokes to share some Mac OS X tips with readers. After all, this IS, isn’t it? I think some of you might be interested in getting more out of Mac OS X.

I thought I might also share some personal expriences with you. You see, although I earn a living writing about Macs (and Windows, when they really twist my arm and start waving advance checks), I spend that living doing other things. You might find it comforting to learn that not all computer geeks are full-time geeks.

What I won’t do is act as an online tech support service. The FAQ system on my Web site comes too close to that for my comfort. And there are plenty of good online resources to answer questions.

So with all that in mind, I hope you’ll bear with me. I’m an old-fashioned kind of writer, one that does her best to use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. I’ll do my best to come up with interesting reading. But if you find me dull, simply skip over my blog entries when you visit the site. I’ll understand.

And if you want to learn more about me (and possibly read my other blogs, you can visit my Web site,

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