New and IMPROVED…or not

I started making these MacParrot sites back in February as part of a test (becoming a long-term test though that was not the intention at the beginning) of various Apple Macintosh web page and site makers. So far, three sites are live with essentially the same content. (made with Apple’s iWeb and redirected from my .mac account), (also made with iWeb, but saved to a folder and uploaded with Fetch (a FTP program from Fetch Software), and lastly, (made with Fishbeam’s Goldfish program).

The content in all three sites are identical and up into now was getting a little long in the tooth. There had been nothing new added since March. Finding the time for making new content was becoming near to impossible between family obligations, work, and my regular gig at What gave me the incentive to add some more and change things up was when two things happened. One; I went out and bought Adobe Photoshop Elements 4, and two; a complete stranger that I don’t know from Adam told me in an online forum that my site sucked.

Now I can take that from a friend and laugh it off, but a total stranger that I’ve never met and will never have any dealings with or emotional attachments to? Something HAD to be done. I started playing around with Photoshop and re-discovered the joy of animated GIFs, which was real clever and interesting some number of years ago and today is simply annoying. Having said that, I decided to use it in my title bar. I mostly ditched the full-face shots of me (you’re welcome) sprinkled around the site, and moved a few things around here and there.

The first site I’ve used this new scheme with is the site that I made with Goldfish. After I upload it, I’ll see how it looks with Internet Explorer from a Window’s machine (from work, the only access to a WinPC I have or want) and then decide if I want to extend the madness to the and sites both made with iWeb.

Of course I still need to use at least one more program for making easy websites with a Mac. I had considered Sandvox, but it’s just too rigid for me and what I want to do. Doesn’t make it a bad program, just not what I want for this comparison. So if any one has a preference, let me know with this post and I’ll consider it.

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