Overheard on the showroom floor at Macworld Expo 2007 San Francisco on Wednesday, January 10, 2007 (part one).
At the SEAGATE MAXTOR booth:
“The company is probably losing money or not making very much on their hard drive manufacturing, but they finally have good backup software included, and the cases are nicely designed, so with high visibility and great product placement these new external units should have a positive impact on such a crowded marketplace. I like what I see, especially that new lightweight USB bus-powered pocket drive, and their RAID brick. I wish them good luck, but they probably don’t need it.”
Near the LYNDA.COM training area:
“Do you see that guy with the short hair? He’s Michael Ninness. You don’t know him? Well, you should. He’s formerly a top product manager and developer at Adobe who’s written a bunch of really good books, and now he’s right there with Lynda on her web based video tutorials. As geeks go, Michael is pretty coherent and good natured, so remember that name, because he’s the real deal.”
“Andy Ihnatko or Ihnakto or however you say it is a total wise guy, but worth listening to. His books are a bit unusual, and he always digs up weird bits of advice you don’t hear from anybody else. I’m not sure author sightings are always worthwhile, but I’m going to go over and shake his hand, and tell him that new iPod book was worth every penny. I’ll try not to say anything negative about the hat he wears.”
Behind the TARGUS CASE show area:
Targus? Give me a break. They are so 1980s. But I give them credit for having a bunch of useful accessories, although hidden out of plain view. Wait. I’m looking closer at the design of their new laptop bags, and they’re not so bad after all. But what do noise canceling headphones have to do with their mission statement, or whatever you call it?”
Adjacent to the narrow NEC DISPLAY booth:
“Holy #&*%, do you see the colors on those new pro monitors? And priced around a thousand bucks! Don’t tell my wife, because she probably won’t notice, but I’m going to replace that cheapo Princeton screen I’ve been using after I get my tax refund. Should I go 4:3 or 16:9? Whichever one has the best contrast ratio, viewing angle, color cohesion, and Adobe swatch representation, I don’t care how much it costs. Apple Cinema Displays can roll over and play dead with these breathing down their throats, and when I saw that rep turn it into portrait mode I nearly screamed on the spot. Remember, don’t tell Sonya about this.
[To be continued. Thanks for listening in on our eavesdropping.]
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