Quickly, while we’re setting up for our first podcast from Macworld Expo Media Center:
Was CINGULAR’S CEO the most boring Apple Keynote speaker of all time? I never attended when Spindler or Amelio did presentations, but — you can decide when you watch this address over the Internet.
Sitting across from IPRONG’S BILL PALMER is a treat, along with two of his colleagues. We’re delighted to have his pithy postings on our MyMac.com Blog column.
What will the APPLE CARE PRICE be for its new iPhone, or Cingular’s own data security insurance policy? Some insurance company is going to clean up, or get soaked, depending upon how dependable the hardware and software are.
We all nearly got crushed when going up MOSCONE WEST ESCALATOR, due to very questionable people management by the conference “security” staff. More on this topic in a future column.
Did I miss ONE MORE THING when Tim and I left the Keynote hall during John Mayer’s first song? No new iLife? No new — nothing today, for immediate purchase? Oh, wait until February, or June. Somebody: please blog this topic.
PARADIGM SHIFT, says Tim, when Apple Computer stops being a “computer” company and becomes (what?) — a fully innovating comprehensive technology shop.
Until the next time.
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