When you have a bunch of photos suitable for a nice slide show, iPhoto can easily group the images and then export them into a handy QuickTime presentation that will play on most Apple and Windows computers having the latest free QuickTime application. Here’s the link to obtain the software, if necessary.
Let’s get started!
1. OPEN iPHOTO and click on the plus (+) sign, lower left, to create a new Untitled Album, then type in a name for it, such as “First QuickTime Show,†and click CREATE.
2. CLICK ON “LIBRARY†at the top of the Source panel, upper left, then select and drag your desired photos into the new “First QuickTime Show†you just created, in your Source panel. Hint: start with only 8 – 12 slides, until you become more experienced.
3. CLICK ON THE ALBUM ICON for that new show to see all your chosen images, then CLICK / DRAG them into your desired slideshow sequence, as appropriate. Then choose EDIT / SELECT ALL from your iPhoto Menu at upper left of your screen.
4. CLICK ON THE LITTLE TRIANGLE symbol next to that plus sign, bottom left, not the “SlideShow†icon.
5. CLICK ON “MUSIC†tab at the top of the new little window that just opened, and UNCHECK “Play music during slideshow.â€
6. CLICK ON “Settings†tab, also at the top of the little window, and UNCHECK every box on the left side. Then choose “4 seconds†in the “Play each slide for†drop down area, and choose “Dissolve†in the Transition area. Now CLICK “Play,†lower right in the little window, and observe your slides in timed, dissolved sequence. Exciting!
7. Choose SHARE / EXPORT, from iPhoto Menu at top of y our screen, and then click on the QuickTime tab in the new little “Export Photos†window. Type in 640 for Width and 480 for Height, and in “Display image for,†type in 4 seconds. Uncheck “Add currently selected music†if necessary, and click EXPORT.

8. Give your QuickTime show a name, then select “Desktop†from the pull down menu area, and CLICK OK. You’ll see the speedy progress of your exporting.
9. CLOSE ALL WINDOWS, then click once on your Desktop, and observe your newly named “MOV†show. DOUBLE-CLICK on the icon for this QuickTime movie file to play it, remembering to CLICK on the triangular “Play†symbol, center bottom. Groovy!
10. ATTACH this QuickTime “MOV†slide show to an email message, and amaze your friends and family with your talent and brilliance. Hint: Be aware of varying upload, transfer, and download speeds, depending upon network bandwidth for you and your recipients.
I’ll be back soon with another Ten Point Tutorial.
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