Gaz’s 32-inch Mac Mini – MyMac Podcast #390

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On this show, Gaz has to do a bit of an end-around since his daughter took his beloved Mac Mini away, so it’s off to the Mini Media server with it’s 32-inch HDTV. Some 1Password love from Guy (who FINALLY bought it after saying for who knows how long he was going to) for it’s web services, and the GMen talk about online Photo services, bee stings, running CAT6 cable, and Flipper?

The contest sponsors for the 400th episode of the MyMac Podcast are lining up and you guys are going to get some great stuff. Here’s what’s there so far:

Snapheal by MacPhun LLC
ALK Technologies Co-Pilot iOS GPS App
BusyMac’s BusyCal
Splasm Software’s AudioBook Builder and CheckBook Pro
ZeoBIT’s MacKeeper 2012
Boinx Software’s iStopMotion Pro, FotoMagico Pro, and BoinxTV
Publications International, Ltd. iCookBook

Just go to FaceBook and like the MyMac Podcast page and…that’s it! No other barrier to entry.

Some links:
ArtText 2 by BeLight Software $19.99
SnapHeal by MacPhun Software $5.99
Default Folder X by St. Clair Software $34.95

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