MyMac Podcast 319 – The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything is 4.2

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Tim Robertson from TechFan jumps on the show, but Skype and GarageBand are just not our best friends tonight. We have a couple of audio clips from  Allison Sheridon from the Nosilla Podcast and Steve Hammond. We talk about digital content and how DRM only seems to hurt the ones that get it legally and is iOS 4.2 just around the corner?
Tim Robertson’s TechFan Podcast is NOT laser-focused, but that’s what makes it fun and informative. Off the cuff tech tech.
Contact info: Want to be on the show as a listener invite? It’s more fun than tanks and helicopters!! Drop us a line and let us know you want to be on the show. Gaz and Guy on Twitter, and,, or our Skype direct number 703-436-9501. Also go into iTunes and leave some feedback.

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