There’s a great reason why the show has this name, but Guy can’t remember what it is. What he does remember is that buying stuff at Wish is not typically a wish granted. Gaz is editing his time-lapse videos on an iPad instead of his Mac and hacks and viruses just aren’t what they used to be. Lastly, feeling nostalgic for older Apple products? Well like bad food they may be back up again!
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Guy’s Pick: IVI 4 Video converter from South Pole Software. $14.99 from the Mac App Store. Turn almost any video format into some other video format.
Gaz’s Pick: iMovie, on the iPad, and on the Mac, MacParrot on Twitter/, GazMaz on Twitter/ GuyandGaz on Twitter/
Skype +1 Area code 703-436-9501 (Pssst! Calling from the Skype app? Just dial it without the 1 at the beginning!)
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