They said it couldn’t be done, but the Men manage to put out a podcast that is UNDER an hour! Apple’s car (or not), The Guardian newspaper drops Apple ads (or not), and Apple is building a space fleet (or not). SO much more too!
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UK site The Guardian drops Apple News in bid to boost ad & subscription revenues
Apple hires two Google satellite execs for new hardware team
Guy’s Pick: Starcraft because it’s free!
Gaz’s Pick/Tip: Airport Utility for no other reason that I’ve been using it both on MyMac and my IOS devices. and yes I was able to do all I needed to do in it!
People’s (TIP): nope
Contact Info:, MacParrot on Twitter/, GazMaz on Twitter/ GuyandGaz on Twitter/
Skype +1 Area code 703-436-9501
Patron Link: Yes this is a link!
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