Gaz is out this episode watching cars go really fast so Guy brings in Gary “Dr. Dream” Apter, a long time listener to the MyMac Podcast and many others. They talk a bit more about the events in Chicago, what they did in tech recently, and then a bit about whether Apple seems to be ignoring Pro users and why. Also why does iTunes and iOS devices not agree on how much storage is available. Gary thinks it’s a potentially serious problem and Guy seems confused. Well no change there.
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Guy’s App Pick: Zombieville USA by Mika Mobile. .99 cents in the iOS app store. Side scroller with varied weapons and characters. You never really win, it’s pretty much see how far you can get before being chomped for the last time.
Gaz’s App Pick: Cars are racing! Don’t bother me about app picks!
Gary’s App Pick: GasBuddy app for iOS Offers reports on fuel prices. Sort by local or some location you might be traveling to. I used this on my trip to Mac Stock. A quick look and I could see the going rates wherever I was. I’ve also set my ‘favorites’ for when I’m home.
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