LOTS of links this week because Gaz and Guy are talking about the NEW iLife 15 or would if it actually existed. It doesn’t, but they talk about programs that you can use that does most of the same stuff and in some cases even more. Guy almost lets his Drobo get the better of him (like that’s really hard) and Gaz is about ready to kill whoever signed off on the Photos app. Well, perhaps maim a little bit.
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iLife-like apps: Must be easy to use, under $100, not in beta
Photos by Apple: free
Lightroom CC by Adobe $9.99 a month for the photographer’s CC edition
digikam by digikam free or donationware
Pixa by ShinyFrog $30
Unfortunately if you live by the Apple ecosystem, there is no real alternative to iTunes that’s both comprehensive and easy to use <sad face>
Adobe Premiere Elements 13 $99.99
Shotcut by Shotcut donationware
Camtasia by Techsmith $99.99
MediaEdit 3 by Mien Software $59.99
miDVD Pro by Shedworks $9.99
Toast by Roxio $99.99
I couldn’t find any good, easy to use multitrack recorder/editors for under $100
Sandvox by Karelia $79.99
Everweb by Everweb $79.95
Guy’s App Pick: Halo by Microsoft it can be found for free if you look hard and do some digging. Doesn’t work from the original discs you must get the 2.x updater
Gaz’s Pick: Mini Motor Racing game having fun with it. £0.79
DropBox, I know everyone knows about dropbox but the family have been sharing documents between each other in relationship to the recent bereavement, sad subject but DropBox functionality has made document sharing so much easier. On a brighter note I’ve also linked a Photo library with the family so happy memories can be easily shared.
People’s Pick: From Mark Sheppard a podcast (shock horror Mark!)
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