Were doing the NosillaCast Podcast for Allison on the 15th of March! How will it go? Anyone’s guess, but the smart money is on funny train-wreck. Apples instructions for the iBook Store still confuses Guy, but what does not? Gas is super excited about the new Photos app still. Somehow or another a discussion off air about Captain Scarlett and the Mysterians leads to an on-air talk about the rumored Apple iCar or whatever the heck people are calling non-existent products from Apple these days.
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Captain Scarlett and the Mysterions!
Guy’s App Pick : Audio Converter Pro 6.99. Great app for converting audio from one format to another. I needed it to convert a bunch of MP3s/ AACs to Apple’s CAF format for inclusion into GarageBand. Drag and drop simplicity. I’m sure there’s other free ways to do the same thing, but I had over 500 files to do it with and didn’t want to do them one at a time.
Gaz’s Pick: Color Strokes
People’s Pick: none this week
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