MyMac Podcast 544: Aperature and iPhoto DEAD

Gaz gets his OWC Thunderdock and Guy rambles nearly incoherently (like we could tell the difference) of trying to get his book into Apples iBook Store. Amazon has it but its so easy that it isn’t like its THAT big of an accomplishment. Gaz talks about how he’s looking forward to the new Photos app from Apple and how he’s getting ready for it. Plus all the usual insanity you might expect from the GMen.

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Alister Jenks review of the OWC Thunderdock
Links to alternatives if you’re unhappy about Photos –
Guy’s App Pick : iBooks Author free
Gaz’s Pick: Because I’m so excited I’m going for Apples not yet released Photo’s App
People’s Pick: Troy Muller Toggl App
Probably something like 3 years ago I was looking for something to help me log the time I take on client tasks. Something I could easily use to help populate timesheets that my clients always need me to fill out. I found and I’ve been using it since.

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