MyMac Podcast 537: The Un-Interview

So while Gaz is off spending time with his family, Karl Madden from the Mac & Forth Podcast was kind enough to fill in much to his later regret. They talk about their holidays,the Console Christmas hacks, and Kim Jong Un the Glorious Leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea or as we more commonly know it as the bat&*#$ crazy Korea. Oh and Guy calls hackers bad names because he can.

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Guy’s App Pick : Roller Coaster 3 Tycoon from the Mac App Store $19.99
Karl’s Pick: Workflow by DeskConnect? $2.99/£1.99 –
People’s Pick: Serenak Assassin – great free to use send unlimited size files (ok so Mail can do that now on Yosemite.. but I don’t like or use Mail) (Dropbox type service that gives you a lot more space for free). The charge station I just got for review… awesome item Skype – not new, not cool, but what would we do without it? My favourite podcast catchers Downcast on iOS and Podkicker on Android (both simple and elegant and do exactly what I want). Not much of a games guy but I just love Hillclimb racer… silly, no need to use the IAPs and has that “one more try” factor.

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