MyMac Podcast 513 – We’re so good we should get paid for it

Can you believe the show is under an hour? We sure couldn’t. LOTS of listener feedback, a contest, and a debate on whether or not we should set up a Patreon link for those that might want to contribute to the madness.

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Guy’s App Pick: ecoFeed from Simple RSS editor that doesn’t have all the bells and whistles of other programs but is about 1/4 the cost. $9.99
Gaz’s App Pick: My Love Hate relationship continues with RR3, and here’s why
People’s Pick: A tip from Allister on how best to use Find my friends in iOS. How to fix it: Don’t tap on a friend in the list. Just tap on the map view itself and move the map as you want. Then tap on the chosen friend on the map. The display will now be exactly the same as the above method but won’t scroll or zoom when you refresh!

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