MyMac Podcast 292: DOJ? FTC? NFW!

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Guy talks about his total fail at securing an iPad 3G last Saturday. The ENTIRE Washington D.C. area Apple Stores were completely sold out! Will Gaz EVER be able to buy an iPad in the UK?

Phil Paxman sends us a thank you winning the MacAlly contest and educates the G-Men on just where the heck Urbana, Ohio is

We discuss how a lot of the major sites are starting to move away from Flash for video and some of possible problems that h.264 may bring in the future. Flash however is still all over the internets with games and animated ads.

Could Apple’s refusal to allow third-party tools for making apps for the iDevices get them into trouble with the Department of Justice or the Federal Trade Commission? Lastly, could the very openess of Google’s Android OS splinter their market for hardware and software?

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