Writers App Picks

There are almost a bajillion apps for the Mac app store so how do you cut through all the cruft and get to the good ones. Let the team guide you as we give you our essential app list rundown. A list of apps we use on a daily basis and couldn’t do without

Mark ChappellPodcaster and Writer.

– From Rogue Ameoba lets you create virtual sound card devices. Very handy for podcasting and a replacement for the aged SoundFlower.
Audio Hijack Pro – Again from Rogue Ameoba letting me manipulate app sounds and again, used for podcasting.
XSlimmer -removes unnecessary files from your app so its targeted to your machines setup and language type.
FilePane – Any file you start to drag pops up a pane where you can trash, copy, covert, run an apple script command, convert image formats and a whole lot more!

Steve Hammond. : MyMac

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Steve had to be a bit different and start of listing apps compatible across the entire mac and iOS platform.

Evernote (getting to use it more and more with time)
Deliveries (yes, it exist for Mac too!)

Mac only picks

VirtualBox – Run another OS from your existing OS without having to faff around with partitions.
Onyx – system utilities for OS X (OnyX, Maintenance, and Deeper) all free and incredibly handy
Google Chrome – To eliminate the need to install Flash Player mostly
PopClip and lot of extensions – PopClip appears when you select text with your mouse on your Mac. Instantly copy & paste, and access actions like search, spelling, dictionary and over 100 more.
WhatSize 4 – Not the latest, but enough for me, WhatSize is an application that allows you to quicklyview and manage disk space usage and speed up your Mac.
Fantastical 1.x – The calendar app you cannot do without (do not need the V2 and the Calendar replacement)
TextWrangler – Looking for something a touch more capable than text edit, you won’t go wrong with this.

John Nemo : MyMac long time inmate, can’t live without:

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Rogue Ameoba’s AUDIO HIJACK PRO and FISSION. The former is used for all my recordings, and the latter for all my audio editing.
Adobe’s PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS. I’ve been using it and teaching it regularly since version 2, and now it’s in version 14.
FadingRed’s SENUTI. Spell it backwards. Use it to transfer music from an iPhone or iPad or iPod to a Mac.
GLANCE from Glance Networks for remote tutoring and troubleshooting.

Guy (one half of the G-Men) Searle
from the mighty MyMac podcast.
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Feeder – Feeder is an application for creating, editing and publishing RSS feeds on OS X. Whether it’s a podcast or news feed for your site, Feeder makes it easy.
Dropbox  – Does the grandaddy of online storage need any further explanation. You can do more with dropbox than you think.
Acorn  – An image editor for the Mac that won the Mac App Store best of in 2013 & 2015

Elisa Pacelli, MyMac writer and one third of the Three Geeky Ladies Podcast

– Synch your passwords across all devices, iOS and OS X. This is the password manager that always gets the most recommendations.
PopClip – A second time mention for a clipboard enhancing app.
Bartender – lets you organize your menu bar apps, by hiding them, rearranging them, or moving them to the Bartender Bar.

David Acklam – (MyMac) Also picking apps working across all devices.

– An unsurprising 2nd mention for the leader in password management and synching Apple Mail, Safari, Pages, Numbers
Penultimate -  The best digital handwriting on iPad. Penultimate combines distraction-free, natural handwriting and sketching with the power of Evernote
Evernote – Evernote is the place to collect inspirational ideas, write meaningful words, and move your important things to the cloud.
Fitbit – Track and see reports on your fitness from the Fitbit tracker.
MyFitnessPal (Browser) – Free online calorie counter and diet plan. Lose weight by tracking your caloric intake quickly and easily. Find nutrition facts for over 2000000 foodsFacebook

Suzé Gilbert – (MyMac)

This is my number 1- Tonality Pro  : Get Tonality for Mac and easily create exceptional black & white photos. Discover the most advanced tools for monochrome image editing.
These are the other apps I use often besides Adobe
Pixelmator – The world’s most innovative, fastest, full-featured, and powerful image editing app for the Mac that has everything you need to create and edit your images
ArtRage 4 – Digital art software for Mac OS X. Easy to use paint program with natural painting tools and powerful utilities
Pixlr (on OS X & iOS) – A free online image editor. Enables to fix, adjust, and filter images in a browser.

Donny Yankellow (MyMac)

-  Featured by Apple in “BEST NEW APPS” 2015, Leaf is an amazing news reader for your Mac. Read, share, star and search your news by using a clean and intuitive interface
Airmail -  Lightning Fast Mail Client for Mac and iPhone.
Affinity Designer – the fastest, smoothest, most precise vector graphic design software for Mac available.
Affinity Photo – Professional photo editing software for the mac, winning the Mac App Of Year 2015
Mischief – sketching, drawing, and painting software for Mac OSX

Serenak Assassin (check out Serenaks appearance on episode 600 of the MyMac Podcast)

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CC 2015 (ID, AI, PS)
Acrobat Pro X1 with Enfocus PitStop Pro – One for creating PDF’s and the other for dectection and correcting errors.
Font Explorer Pro X – “an on demand font handler”
VirtualBox – “to run Windows 10 (and any necessary Windows Apps like Serif Page Plus and MS Office)”
Thunderbird – A free email application that’s easy to set up and customise – and it’s loaded with great features!
CarbonCopyCloner – Insanely powerful backup software, letting you create bootable backups or just standard disk clones. Simon’s also using TimeMachine for back ups
What are your favorite apps? Leave a comment below and let us know!

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